Evaluation of the the ERDF North-West Regional Programme 2021-2027
The North-West Regional Development Agency, as the Managing Authority for the North-West Regional Programme 2021-2027, ROMANIA
Data di inizio: dicembre 2024
Stato: In corso
European Commission - Dg REGIO
Data di inizio: settembre 2023
Stato: In corso
The period between 2000 and 2020 covers three programming cycles of cohesion policy. Common and specific regulations applied to each programming period (2000-2006, 2007-2013 and 2014-2020). These regulations set objectives and implementation modes for managing EU cohesion policy funds. Objectives and implementation modes evolved from period to period, taking into account the context and lessons learned.
This study aims to analyse the changes to the organisational models of managing authorities responsible for the ERDF in national and regional programmes between 2000 and 2020.
The analysis focuses on the organisational models of managing authorities and how they have changed across four strands:
1. Staff: size and features of the workforce;
2. Processes and internal organisation: delivery of core activities, roles and responsibilities, systems and tools used;
3. Leadership: design and implementation of the authority’s mission;
4. Stakeholders and partners: management of relations (including with the EU institutions) and coordination with other programme authorities and relevant national/regional/local authorities.
t33 conducts desk research and interviews, through an in-depth analysis of the organisational arrangements of the four selected Italian ERDF Managing Authorities during the programming periods when they performed the tasks and functions of Managing Authority or Intermediate Body by filling in the online data collection form for each of the Managing Authorities and preparing fiches for each of the Managing Authorities.
The study is led by PPMI, with t33 acting as subcontractor.
The North-West Regional Development Agency, as the Managing Authority for the North-West Regional Programme 2021-2027, ROMANIA
Data di inizio: dicembre 2024
Stato: In corso
Regione Puglia
Data di inizio: novembre 2024
Stato: In corso
The South-West Oltenia Regional Development Agency, Managing Authority for the South-West Oltenia Regional Programme 2021-2027, Romania
Data di inizio: ottobre 2024
Stato: In corso
Città di Vienna in qualità di autorità di gestione del Programma Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE
Data di inizio: agosto 2024
Stato: In corso
Regione Veneto, AdG del Programma Italia-Croazia.
Data di inizio: agosto 2024
Stato: In corso
Data di inizio: maggio 2024
Stato: In corso