Evaluation of the main interventions of the Operational Programme Administrative Capacity (POCA) 2014-2020 in Romania

Ministry for Development, Public Works and Administration of Romania

  • Data di inizio: novembre 2022

  • Stato: Completo

The Administrative Capacity Operational Programme (POCA) addresses the main problems identified in public administration and meets the needs and requirements arising from both relevant European and national legislation. This programme was planned within the general framework of the Partnership Agreement on the use of European and Investment Funds (EISF) in Romania and responds to Thematic Objective (TO) 11 namely "strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration”.

The objective of this evaluation is to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the use of ESF resources under priority axe 1 of the Administrative Capacity Operational Programme (2014-2020). More specifically, t33 was involved in highlighting the factors contributing to the success or failure of implementation as well as to the sustainability of the actions funded in central public administration, regarding three themes: strategic planning and program budgeting, quality and performance management systems and lastly, better regulation. The evaluation provides conclusions and lessons learned, future possible sources of financing for improving administrative capacity considering that a programme such as POCA does not exist in 2021-2027 together with related recommendations for central institutions who were national coordinators of the three themes mentioned above to ensure sustainability and capitalization of results in the 2021-2027 programming period and after.

Activities includes data collection, analysis and validation of information using various evaluation methods such as analysis of specialized literature, analysis of programme documents, interviews with beneficiaries, surveys, case studies, focus groups and panel of experts where international experts participated.

Two final reports were drafted, evaluating the programme for 2021 and 2022. 

Alessandro Valenza
Socio e Fondatore

Progetti più recenti

Clarissa Amichetti

Esperta di Analisi Politica

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