AIR analysis 2019: ESF annual summary of data on the progress made in financing and implementing the financial instruments for the programming period 2014-2020

European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy

European Commission - Dg Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

  • Data di inizio: luglio 2019

  • Stato: Completo

The service covers the preparation of the summary of data for 2018 on financial instruments supported by ESF, including the analysis of the information on financial instruments  according to Article 46 CPR and information in the financial report (Article 112 CPR) as concerns FIs supported by ESF. t33 experts: 

1) verify received data per FI per MS including plausibility checks;

2) aggregate and provide cumulative data;

3) calculate indicators on the progress of the implementation of FIs;

4) analyse and interpret data, reporting on progress;

5) prepare graphical presentations;

6) prepare FI country factsheets;

7) build a database of FI data.

The service is the continuation of the previous contracts for 2018 and 2017.

Giovanni Familiari
Socio e Fondatore

Progetti più recenti

Clarissa Amichetti

Esperta di Analisi Politica

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