Impact Evaluation of Interreg VA, Investment Priority 4 - Health and Social Care

Special EU Programmes Body

Special EU Programmes Body

  • Start Date: August 2017

  • Status: Complete

The objective of the impact evaluation is to test the intervention logic of the priority axis 4 ‘Health and Social Care’ of the INTERREG VA Northern Ireland – Ireland - Western Scotland programme and, in line with the provisions of the evaluation plan , determine: 1. the effectiveness of the programme, i.e. the attainment of the specific objectives set and the intended results; 2. the efficiency in terms of relation between the funding disbursed and the results achieved; 3. the impact and the programme contribution to the end-objectives of EU Cohesion Policy. The evaluation is longitudinal and identifies relevant lessons for the remainder of the programme and potential future programming periods.

Nicola Brignani
Director and Partner

Last Projects

Clarissa Amichetti

Policy Analyst

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