Implementation of an integrated evaluation approach within the framework of a robust NWE monitoring & evaluation system. Task 1: Evaluation of the Two Step approach

GEIE GECOTTI (Groupement Européen pour la COopération Transfrontalière Transnationale et Interrégionale)

  • Start Date: November 2016

  • Status: Complete

The evaluation of North West Europe 2014-2020 programme foresees the following three tasks:

  • Two steps approach evaluation,
  • Implementation evaluation, to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of the programme funding,
  • Final impact evaluation, in order to identify the mechanisms contributing to the change on the programme territory (the results of the programme Specific Objectives being rooted in these and grasped by the result indicators).

The first task, the two-step approach evaluation is focused on the the assessment of the switch the programme has made between the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods, from a single-step to a two-step approach application process in order to improve result orientation of projects and to alleviate administrative burden for applicants to the programme. 
The evaluation will analyse the effectiveness of the two steps process, in order to help the Monitoring Committee in the decision on maintaining or not this approach for the remaining calls of the programme.
In particular, the task will analyse to what extent the two-steps approach has: simplified the application process, contributed to integrating the programme result orientation at project level, ensured a selection of better project ideas, promoted an efficient use of resources, attracted newcomers and front runners

Nicola Brignani
Director and Partner

Last Projects

Clarissa Amichetti

Policy Analyst

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