Our colleague Ana Pasturel defended a thesis on the bottom-up dynamics of the LIFE programme in Italy
MAR 2024
Publishing 16 November 2016
As of the end of this year, 2016, François Levarlet, Pietro Celotti and Nicola Brignani will lead and coordinate the study commissioned by the European Parliament on the implementation of integrated approaches under the ESI Funds in the specific context of tackling challenges related to social inclusion, in particular the integration of migrants.
The study will focus on three specific objectives, namely:
1. Overview of challenges linked to social inclusion in EU regions and urban areas and the role of European cohesion policy in tackling such challenges;
2. Analysis of the role the ESI Funds have played and can play in tackling the challenges linked to social inclusion, in particular to migration issues, in EU regions and urban areas;
3. Analysis of integrated approaches to territorial development taken by Member States to tackle challenges of social inclusion, including those associated with migration.
The analysis shall include four ESI Funds: ERDF, ESF, EAFRD, and EMFF. The analysis shall be based on available evidence in the 2007-13 and 2014-2020 programming period.
The study has a EU28 coverage, with a focus on Italy, Greece, France, Austria, Germany, and Sweden.
Key topics tackled in the study will be: inclusive growth; integrated approach in ESI Funds, migration, asylum seekers, social inclusion.
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