Our colleague Francesco Cautiero as part of the volunteer association EDUXO APS contributed to the organisation of an event at the European Parliament to promote the political participation of young women
FEB 2025
Publishing 20 February 2023
A new year of activities of the REGIO Peer2Peer Communities has started and we want to address this message to all Community practitioners and ‘wannabe practitioners’, taking a look back to the work done in the Communities in 2022 and with a look at the next appointments.
What happened in 2022 in the Communities? Here some facts and figures:
Last year, 10 REGIO Peer2Peer Communities were (extremely) active. They are organising meetings and activities also in 2023.
The Community on State Aid was restarted in April. Thanks to its experienced Community ‘Champions’ Palma Muñoz Morquilla and Liezelotte Dechrywere, the Community is proactively analysing the challenges of the new GBER, the incentive effect, as well as many other specific themes.
Between May and June, seven new Communities were launched: Public Procurement, Citizen Participation, Selection of Operations, Digital Administration, Circular Economy, NRRP and Cohesion, DNSH. The Embedding cooperation Community was then launched in December.
Ownership, continuity and co-creativity will be the key words of 2023.
The State Aid Community is preparing its next meeting in Sofia (26-27 April), where themes related to the new GBER and the relation between State aid and CPR rules will be debated, proposing potential solutions.
The Selection of Operations and DNSH Communities are preparing the joint community meeting in Copenhagen (22-23 March). More than 80 practitioners will meet in the Danish capital to discuss and review their practices on the new ‘Do No Significant Harm’ principle and on the project selection in this first phase of implementation of the new ERDF programmes.
The ACB Roadmaps Community is evolving into the Administrative Capacity Building Community: practitioners will continue working on their Roadmaps, and they are enlarging the Community scope and encouraging more practitioners to join the debate and reflect on the future role of Capacity Building in ESIF and Cohesion Policy.
All other Communities are continuing their activities.
Here the upcoming meetings:
Community on NRRP – Cohesion Policy: 2 March (online)
Community on ACB Roadmaps: 9 March (online)
Community on Embedding Cooperation: 14 March (online)
Communities on DNSH and Selection of Operations: 22-23 March (Copenhagen)
Many novelties are coming, stay tuned! To make sure you do not miss information, follow us on Twitter and in the Futurium webspace, that is also a repository of materials used and produced in Community meetings.
Join the REGIO Peer2Peer adventure and present your ideas for this new year! You can propose a Community on a specific topic and/or become a champion of a Community: bring your input and energy, share your views, learn and get inspired by other practitioners!
t33 is managing the Communities on behalf of DG REGIO, together with its partners Spatial Foresight and ÖIR: the core team is composed by Lorenzo Palego, Clarissa Amichetti, and Alexandra Houlière that coordinate Community managers on all themes.
We hope to see you soon in our next activities!
FEB 2025
MAR 2024
MAR 2023
FEB 2023
NOV 2022
JUL 2022