Our colleague Ana Pasturel defended a thesis on the bottom-up dynamics of the LIFE programme in Italy
MAR 2024
Publishing 20 December 2016
In the end of 2016 t33 is fully involved in evaluation activities. On-going evaluations of Alpine Space, Central Europe and North West Europe transnational programmes are launched and see t33 leading the evaluation of Alpine Space, while it cooperates with Spatial Foresight for the evaluation of North West Europe and Central Europe.
Nicola Brignani is leading these evaluation activities carried out by t33. Andrea Gramillano, having gained a specific experience in relation to the cross-border 2 Seas programme, offers methodological support.
They are currently managing the validation of the evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of the Alpine Space programme for the period 2014-2020, carrying on the work developed by t33 for the ex-ante evaluation.
Concerning Central Europe two evaluations will be implemented: an operational evaluation focusing on efficiency and effectiveness, and an impact evaluation focusing on the effects of the programme implementation. Similarly, under North West Europe t33 experts are implementing the integrated evaluation of the 2014-2020 programme.
These transnational evaluations offer the possibility to further extend the wealth of experience gained in the context of on-going evaluations of 2014-2020 cross-border cooperation programmes (ie 2 Seas programme), as well as the competences related to the analysis and development of monitoring systems able to capture the specificities of the European Territorial Cooperation (see the DG Regio study on the needs to be addressed by Interreg cross-border cooperation programmes).
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