Study: ‘COVID-19 response of EU public administration’

European Parliament

  • Start Date: November 2021

  • Status: Complete

The present study has the aim of providing solid and reliable data on the COVID-19 response of the EU public administration. Indeed, the study analyses the institutions’ response, their business continuity measures and the impact of these measures on the 2020 budget and staff of the respective EU institutions.
This includes how public procurement procedures were used to procure goods and services relevant to the institutional response. Further, the study describes in which way the institutions are reflecting about the ‘new normal’, i.e. post-COVID-19 working methods and realities and assess the effectiveness of these procedures.
Firstly, the study investigates which crisis and business continuity measures were put in place by the institutions and analyse the budgetary impact of the crisis and the business continuity measures on the 2020 budget (including relevant budgetary procedures, such as transfers) of the institutions under analysis.
In its second part, the study comparatively analyses the decision-making processes that the institutions used or initiated to reflect about their way of working after the pandemic (e.g. the EP’s focus groups).

The study is realized by t33, with the contribution of Blomeyer & Sanz.
The final report of the study is availble here.

Alessandro Valenza
Partner and Founder

Last Projects

Clarissa Amichetti

Policy Analyst

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