Service for desk research and analysis in Youth training and education in the EU Cooperation programmes

Universitat de València - Oficina INTERACT

  • Start Date: April 2019

  • Status: Complete

Main scope of the service is to provide expertise to the Interact Inclusive Growth Capitalisation Network on the topic 'Youth training and education' in EU Cooperation (Interreg, ENI CBC and IPA programmes).
The study contains a qualitative analysis showing the main strengths, threats, opportunities and weakness of EU cooperation in the theme of 'Youth training and education'. Additionally, a quantitative analysis is developed to show up the number of involved projects, available funds, typology of EU cooperation programs implementing those projects.
Results of this analyse are compared with other related EU and International programme and funds on the same theme, such as ESF or Erasmus +.
Finally, t33 provides a list of recommendations, resulting of its analysis, for the future of European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg) on the thematic of youth training and education.

The report of the study is available here.

Last Projects

Clarissa Amichetti

Policy Analyst

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