Development of a system of common indicators for European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund interventions after 2020

European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy

European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy

  • Start Date: September 2017

  • Status: Complete

The study assesses the possibility of expanding the current list of common output indicators and the feasibility of developing a list of common direct result indicators for post 2020 ERDF and CF interventions.
The study builds on the current period programme implementation and lessons learned from other programming experiences (e.g. ESIF programmes, World Bank international development interventions) and is organised in ten tasks. The evaluators identified possible areas of improvement for the ERDF / CF common indicators system. Based on these, the study proposes a new framework as a reference for designing the new monitoring system of ERDF/CF programmes.
The new reference framework builds on two pillars:
  • methodological clarification - by at least a) clarifying the differences between output and results, as to avoid any confusion with the introduction of direct result indicators, and between direct result and overall result indicators; b) verifying whether there is the possibility to ensure the same coverage with a smaller set of common output indicators; and
  • increased accountability, by setting out the role of the new indicators’ set, possible type of source and accountability benefits of the proposed new conceptual framework. The study brings together a wide range of methodological tools, such as assessment matrix, tool for assessing the thematic coverage of the indicators, combined approach for the assessment of comparability, list of relevant sources of information on output and direct result indicators, programme stakeholders' consultation.
The report of the study is available here (part 1 and part 2).

Last Projects

Clarissa Amichetti

Policy Analyst

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