Horizontal Advisory Services for the use of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Financial Instruments in the 2014-2020 Programming Period

European Investment Bank

  • Start Date: November 2014

  • Status: Complete

The project is part of the FI-COMPASS assistance and it aims to cover the importance of financial instruments (FI) in the support and management of European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF).

More specifically, the task is divided in 3 different streams:
a) Providing methodological advice throughout the entire FI life cycle consistent with regulatory provisions and evidence-based practice. In particular, the task consists in the delivering of: 
- Handbooks, a reference book which provides the instruction to address the needs of the Member States to better understand the regulatory and operational requirements for establishing and managing ESIF Financial Instrument and offering advice on the approach to take during the implementation process. 
- Factsheets, clear and concise means of information related to a specific issue or policy. Built on official EU rules and regulations, expert knowledge from EC, MSs, other stakeholders and EIB Group experience. 
- Case studies underlining examples of good practice related to specific FI, the way it was implemented and the successes it achieved on the general regional context. 

b) Raising awareness on ESIF FIs and delivering marketing & communication activities to Managing Authorities, potential bodies implementing funds of funds or financial intermediaries, the general public, to private and public investors interested in co-investment opportunities, to entrepreneurs or enterprises, or to other potential final recipients. 

c) Building capacity of stakeholders by increasing the capability, skills, and knowledge of individuals and organisations to help improve the design and delivery of ESIF financial instruments. 

Alessandro Valenza
Partner and Founder

Last Projects

Clarissa Amichetti

Policy Analyst

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