DG Regio Monitoring Helpdesk: Data Analysis and Reporting

Written By Giovanni Familiari
Publishing 08 March 2017

The consortium led by t33 and including Smartpeg and Pegaso 2000 has been contracted by the European Commission - Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy ( DG Regio ) – Unit Evaluation & European Semester, to develop an automated IT system for the production of informative reports to monitor the development of the ERDF and CF Operational Programmes over the 2014-2020 period.

The Common Provision Regulation for 2014-2020 provides the tools to deliver information on programmes performance and to require each Member State to take action where performance is poor. Desk Officers in DG Regio are key in this process and need to make informed decisions on the performance of programmes. Performance information is equally crucial for DG Regio managers, heads of geographical units and officers in charge of better implementation.

pilot exercise, conducted by t33 between March and June 2016, tested the feasibility of the service and laid down the structure, contents, and graphical presentation options for the reports.
The current project supports DG Regio in monitoring the programme performance by providing a structured analysis of financial data and Annual Implementation Reports.

Analysis takes the form of:

  • 296 Operational Programmes scorecards (one for each EU region and cooperation programme);
  • 28 Member State scorecards, plus 1 for European Territorial Cooperation;
  • 1 strategic management scorecard;

each addressing the informative needs of different DG Regio users.

The internal t33 team includes three experts, Giovanni Familiari (project manager), Roberto Palloni and Paul Negrila.

An example of the report’s content on programme performance