Titolo: Study: 'Experiences of regional authorities with the Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) and suggestions for improvement' - to be published soon!
MAR 2025
Publishing 30 September 2016
The European Commission has recently published the Guidance for Member States on the selection of bodies implementing financial instruments under European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), which provides important clarifications about the procedures for selecting bodies to whom managing authorities may entrust the financial instruments implementation tasks as foreseen in the Regulations.
In this regard, the fi-compass advisory platform organised in Brussels on the 27th of September an EU-level seminar for managing authorities, bodies implementing financial instruments, financial intermediaries and other stakeholders involved or interested in the implementation of ESIF financial instruments.
The event consisted of presentations by EC experts followed by Q&A sessions, and its aim was to:
Lorenzo Palego, fi-compass new key expert, contributed to the design of the seminar in the scope of the whole capacity building process ensured by fi-compass.
In the current Phase II of fi-compass, several t33 senior experts contribute regularly to technical assistance on the use of financial instruments under ESIF. Alessandro Valenza, as team leader, coordinates the consultants of the whole European consortium. Giovanni Familiari plays the role of key expert dedicated to the platform’s contents, whereas Michele Alessandrini is the thematic expert for financial aspects. Finally, Tim Wills supports the facilitation of the events and trainings and Luca Santin is the fund expert for ESF.
In the current Phase II of fi-compass, several t33 senior experts contribute regularly to technical assistance on the use of financial instruments under ESIF. Alessandro Valenza, as team leader, coordinates the consultants of the whole European consortium. Giovanni Familiari plays the role of key expert dedicated to the platform’s contents, whereas Michele Alessandrini is the thematic expert for financial aspects. Finally, Tim Wills supports the facilitation of the events and trainings and Luca Santin is the fund expert for ESF.
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