Our colleague Francesco Cautiero as part of the volunteer association EDUXO APS contributed to the organisation of an event at the European Parliament to promote the political participation of young women
FEB 2025
Publishing 16 December 2016
Following the study on the use of new provisions on simplification during the early implementation of the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds, commissioned by DG REGIO, t33, together with the lead partner Sweco, is once again involved in a study under the Competitive Multiple Framework Service Contracts (Lot 4) on Studies on administrative costs, administrative capacities, IT systems and fraud prevention and detecting measures.
Commissioned by DG BUDGET, the study will focus on the ‘Determination of standard scales of unit costs for travel within the EU and from any country in the world to EU countries’. The internal team involved in the study includes four t33 experts, Giovanni Familiari (contract manager), Nicola Brignani, Cristina Stronati and Roberto Palloni. Luca Santin, an expert of administrative simplification with prominent experience in the definition and update of Simplified Cost Options, is committed to elaborate the approach to calculate the standard scales of unit costs, and to propose alternative approaches to update the standard scales of unit costs, finally elaborating a definite method for such a regular update.
Simplified costs can save money and time of public authorities and experts working with EU policies as well as they can reduce errors and irregularities, and enhance the value and quality of administrative activities.
FEB 2025
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