Titolo: Study: 'Experiences of regional authorities with the Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) and suggestions for improvement' - to be published soon!
MAR 2025
Publishing 28 August 2018
In recent years, t33 has kept increasing its expertise and commitment in the evaluation of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programmes, in particular in the cross-border cooperation strand (Interreg V-A).
Five ongoing evaluations of cross-border cooperation programmes – Interreg V-A 2Seas, France (Channel) England, Italy-Austria, Ireland-Northern Ireland-Western Scotland, Italy-France Maritime - are currently being conducted, led by senior partners Nicola Brignani, François Levarlet and Andrea Gramillano:
the implementation evaluation of Interreg 2Seas is continuing to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of programme implementation, which will also serve as a starting point for a future impact evaluation;
in Interreg France (Channel) England, the evaluation tasks are threefold: next to implementation and impact, the team is also evaluating the cooperation potential between France and the UK after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU;
in another critical area of the EU, the impact evaluation of Interreg Ireland-Northern Ireland-Western Scotland (led by the Special EU programme Body – SEUPB) has started assessing the impact of the programme in the Health and Social Care priority axis;
finally, two new cross-border cooperation evaluations have just started: Interreg Italy-Austria and Interreg Italy-France Maritime. Both will focus on the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the programmes.
The ex-post evaluation of the European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument (ENPI) 2007-2013 should also be mentioned: in collaboration with GDSI Ltd., t33 has contributed to evaluating 13 cross-border programmes between EU and non-EU countries both in the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood. The evaluation report was published in January 2018.
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