Study: 'Access of Local and Regional Authorities to the EU Budget: Lessons to be drawn from the MFF 2021-27'
DEC 2023
Michele is a senior expert in European studies and evaluation with specific competence in statistics and quantitative analysis. He has contributed to a long series of reports and file notes prepared for the European Committee of the Regions since 2011. Between 2014 and 2015 he worked for the technical assistance for the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme of Marche Region. Also, he provided technical assistance to the fi-compass platform, with a focus on financial instruments for the European Social Fund and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
Permanent policy analyst of t33
Partner of t33 since 2018
Education: Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Rome " Tor Vergata"
Working languages: English, Italian (mother tongue), French
DEC 2023
APR 2023
JUL 2022
MAY 2022
DEC 2021
JUN 2021