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ERDF Financial Instruments and their embedment in national and regional funding landscapes: a closer look at Germany and France

European Commission - Dg REGIO

  • Start Date: June 2023

  • Status: In Progress

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Study: 'The role of the Sustainable Development Goals in the EU Recovery in 2023'

Committee of the Regions

  • Start Date: May 2023

  • Status: Complete

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LearningCapacity BuildingCohesionCohesion policyRegionsCohesionCohesion policyRegions

Specialist consultancy services on Simplified Cost Options within the framework of the initiative entitled "Interventions to strengthen the administrative capacity of the staff of the Apulia Region engaged in supporting the governance and management of Community resources

ARTI -Regional Agency for Technologies and Innovation of the Puglia region

  • Start Date: May 2023

  • Status: Complete

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Study: 'Effective decentralisation in the context of the European Semester and beyond'

Committee of the Regions

  • Start Date: April 2023

  • Status: Complete

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Evaluation of the National Operational Programme "SME Initiative 2014-2020" in Italy

INVITALIA Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa SpA

  • Start Date: April 2023

  • Status: Complete

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Animation and development of REGIO P2P Communities - a peer-learning scheme for building capacity of national and regional authorities to implement cohesion policy

European Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy

  • Start Date: April 2023

  • Status: In Progress

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Study: Mapping of specialised “financial intermediaries” that are offering financing in the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS)

EIB - European Investment Bank

  • Start Date: March 2023

  • Status: In Progress

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"Monitoring Helpdesk: Data analysis and reporting"

European Commission - Dg REGIO

  • Start Date: January 2023

  • Status: In Progress

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Evaluation of the main interventions of the Operational Programme Administrative Capacity (POCA) 2014-2020 in Romania

Ministry for Development, Public Works and Administration of Romania

  • Start Date: November 2022

  • Status: Complete

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‘Scientific literature review on group thinking models’

EFSA - European Food Safety Agency

  • Start Date: November 2022

  • Status: Complete

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Study: ‘The potential of the financial instruments in the field of AMIF (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund) and other funds in the area of migrant’s integration’

EIB - European Investment Bank

  • Start Date: October 2022

  • Status: Complete

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EvaluationCohesionCohesion policyCooperationInterregCross-border

Evaluation of the implementation of the SALUTE-ZDRAVSTVO project financed by the INTERREG V-A Italy Slovenia Programme 2014-2020


  • Start Date: October 2022

  • Status: Complete

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Clarissa Amichetti

Policy Analyst

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