t33 srl is looking for a staff member as ‘event coordinator’

Open job position: Event Coordinator

t33 srl is looking for a staff member as ‘event coordinator’

Job profile
The selected candidate will work in services of event organisation on Cohesion Policy themes for a number of EU institutions, primarily the European Commission.
Two years' experience in organising seminars, conferences, workshops, and other events is required. The candidate should have a knowledge of English at least at C1 level.
Contractual framework and conditions

Employment contract, full-time, according to the applicable national contract.
Tasks include the organisation of both online and in-person events, requiring travel within EU countries (indicatively 1 mission per month, lasting a few days)
The company applies a smart working policy for all employees.

  • Bachelor or master’s degree
  • General knowledge of EU institutions and policy
  • Proficiency in English at C1 level
  • 2 years’ experience in event organisation
  • Good command of the Office suite
  • Good organizational skills and ability to meet deadlines

Preferential skills

  • Knowledge of other EU languages besides the mother tongue

Ancona, Italy.
Possibility to partially work from remote, according to t33 smart-working policy.
If interested, please send your CV to: workwithus@t33.it or fill in the form below.

Insert your CV *
You are recommended to use Europass format (https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/)

You can upload a .DOC or .PDF file with a maximum size of 1Mb

* Required fields